Caring for your new Windows

To keep your windows looking their best it’s important to clean them at least twice a year but if you live by the coast we recommend you clean them four times a year due to salt water. Find out the best way to keep your new windows looking top-notch below.

Caring for Glazing/Glass
Use a soft cloth and water with soap or washing-up liquid.
Use a commercial window cleaning solution or cream, ensuring to follow the cleaning product instructions and wash away residue with water.
Keep cleaning solution away from frame.
DO NOT use abrasive pastes, steel wool, scouring pads or razor blades on glass for stubborn marks.

Removing Paint from Glazing/Glass
When decorating your home you may accidently get paint on your glass. If this happens it is important to clean this before the paint has time to dry. 
For water based emulsions use warm soapy water.
For spirit based paints use white spirit.

Caring for uPVC and Aluminium Window Frames
Use a soft cloth and water with soap or washing-up liquid.
Use a specialised uPVC cleaner for stubborn marks.
• DO NOT use glass cleaner, bathroom cleaner, bleach, or abrasive agents on window frames.
• DO NOT use steel wool, scouring pads or razor blades.

Window Parts Maintenance
Use a soft cloth with soap or washing-up liquid.
Stainless Steel hardware requires a specific stainless steel cleaning product.
Use a silicoln spray to lubricate moving parts such as hinges, locks and restrictors.
DO NOT use oil, grease or WD40.

If you have more questions about caring for your windows, contact us here.